Custom Signs Vs. Rental Signs and Which you Should Choose

Custom Signs Vs. Rental Signs and Which you Should Choose

So you are engaged and planning your wedding day! So exciting! You are probably considering all of the decorations for your big day and wedding signs are a huge part. Getting all custom signs can definitely be a lot and honestly you probably don’t need or want to keep all of those signs. But having handwritten signs adds so much elegance and luxury to your wedding but it doesn’t have to be expensive if you consider renting the signs you won’t use later on.


So what are the signs you would want to rent?

Think about the signs that are more directional or give your guests guidance. These are signs you see at almost every wedding table. For example, your gift table is going to have a sign that says “Cards and Gifts” or “Gifts” and then you have a “Cards” box sitting on the table.

Here are the signs I have available for rent because I get asked to make them so frequently:

  • Table Numbers

  • “Cards and Gifts”

  • Guestbook

  • Favors

  • Open Bar

  • “Wish you were here”

  • “Light up the Night”

  • “Love is Sweet, Take a Treat”


What are the signs you should opt into custom?

Honestly if you were to just get one custom sign, I would suggest a “Welcome” Sign. This sign does NOT have to say “Welcome” anywhere on it either! This sign could have your two names with the date you get married, it could be your last name with the date you are married, maybe there is a cute quote or a fun saying you say to each other. This is a sign that you later can put in your home and a memory from your wedding day. You can make this sign as cute and unique to you as much as you want.

There are other signs that you could get custom too. For example I did a sign for a couple that had a waffle bar at their wedding and it read “We Love you a Waffle Lot”. That is super cute sign that you could actually put in your kitchen or in a breakfast nook after your wedding. You could find cute unique quotes that would be cute home decor and those are totally fun to have after your wedding and I would recommend customizing those if you are wanting to keep them.


When looking for rental or custom signs I would also recommend to try to find a vendor that does both! When something is handwritten it can be distinctly different from person to person. Though, some people may not notice or they may have similar handwriting, having one person that has written everything will bring a more cohesive look to your wedding and it won’t appear that you bought different signs from different places.


If you are currently looking for signage for your wedding I would love to chat and help you out! Creating pieces for couple’s weddings brings me so much joy and now that I offer rentals as well I am super excited to be able to help more wedding couples through this process! If you would also like to take a look at my Etsy page for more inspiration and to see what I am up to there feel free to take a glance there as well! I am so excited to help you and answer any questions you may have for me!

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