5 Steps to Creating a Guest List for your Wedding

5 Steps to Creating a Guest List for your Wedding

So you are engaged! Everyone told me how much they hated planning a wedding and how there was so much to do, but honestly I loved every minute of it! Now you get to plan your big day and one of the biggest decisions of the planning process is the guest list! This definitely feels daunting but it doesn’t have to be and hopefully a few tips from someone in the field/has gone through this process (I feel you!) will help with the whole process.

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  1. Start with the VIP’s

    First (you and your fiancé separately) create your own guest lists of immediate family, extended family, and friends that you can’t live without. Once you have both created a list come together and combine your lists and see where you stand. Then you, together, can start adding to your list of people you would like to be there in addition to your original list (this may not need a ton of filling in, because people do add up fast, you may be going through crossing people off if I am honest with you)

  2. Plus Ones and Children

    What guests get to bring a date? This can be tough, because this can add up. Obviously if you invite 100 people and they all bring a date you have 200 people to feed now. So, first and foremost remember it is your wedding and completely up to you. But here are a few tips on who you may want to consider dates. If they are married you definitely need to invite their spouse. If they are traveling a few hours to get to your wedding, it would be a best practice to allow them a date. Have you met their boyfriend or girlfriend? Are they in a serious relationship or just a casual relationship. These are all things to consider and ultimately the decision is yours.

    Now, do you invite children? Honestly I don’t think there is a right or wrong answer to this. I think this completely depends on you aesthetic and the vibe you are going for with your wedding. You do need to consider though, are they going to have to get a babysitter? This means they may not be able to stay late because at some point they will have to go home and relieve the babysitter. Some people will decide to not come because of their children not being able to come. So unless you are OK with a guest not coming because of this rule then you may want to decide to come. You may think it is another mouth to feed but you can always check with your caterer if they have “children’s meals” and what price that may cost. Just like with plus ones, this is ultimately your wedding and your decision!

  3. Leave an allotted amount of guests (or a table’s worth) for your Mothers or family members to invite.

    This can be a toughy for sure. Moms are typically really involved with the wedding process and may suggest who to invite. First, be upfront from the beginning on your expectations from them on where you need help. It may also help to give them an allotted amount of guests they can invite or give them a table of guests. This honestly will help with a lot of the stress and give them more structure on who they can invite.

  4. Create a “B” list

    You may have people you wish you could have invited but you would be over capacity from your venue. Make a B list and have extra invitations ready to send out when you get those “No” RSVP cards back. Then you can ensure that you were able to invite others and not go over your limit in guests.

  5. Create and Excel Spreadsheet

    As you get your list created you will want an excel spreadsheet of everyone (including your bridal party). This will help with your count and organization. You will be able to add addresses by their names in an address column that you can give your wedding stationer. You can keep track of the “Yes” and “No” responses. You can keep track of food choices, you want to know if there are vegetarian/vegans or other dietary restrictions, even if you have a buffet, your caterer will make a separate dish for those who can’t eat meat. These lists are great for keeping track and for all of your vendors that may need these lists. Also the more organized you are the less stress you will probably also feel.

These are the tips/steps that I have for creating the guest list. I hope this will give you a little relief when starting your guest list. There are many ways you can go about creating this list, so find what works best for you and remember it is your wedding so you need to invite those people who you want at your wedding celebrating with you. It’s your party!

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