Place Cards, Escort Cards, or Seating Charts?

Place Cards, Escort Cards, or Seating Charts?

Are you preparing for your reception and are wondering how to seat your guests?

Everyone does it a little differently and do it the way that works best for them.

Here are the options for you to choose from:

  1. Place Cards

  2. Escort Cards

  3. Seating Chart

    4. A Combination of Two

Place Cards


Place cards are a very simple way to lay out where you want your guests to sit and often can be paired with a seating chart.

A place card is going to have just the guest’s name written on it, whether it is just the first name or full name. This would be placed already at the table where your guest is sitting. So you have full control who sits by who, not just what table they sit at.

Place cards also are a great way to make your guest feel special. Seeing their name written on a place card really shows you thought about them and their presence at your wedding. You can even attach place cards to your wedding favors and place it at their seat and a special gift to them.

Escort Cards


Escort cards and place cards are often mixed up, confused, or thought to be the same thing. But that is not the case! An escort card tells your guests where to go. Think of it as escorting your guest to the right location without the need for a seating chart.

Escort cards are going to be placed at the entrance of your reception and can be displayed on a table, attached to wedding favors, or you can hang it on some sort of display.

Your escort card has the guest’s name and table number included on them. You can also include their food option they chose for the wait staff as well.

This is a great option to use if you would not want to create a seating chart and it is a nice way to recognize your guests, similarly to place cards. Your name written on something you can take home is just special.

Seating Chart


Seating charts are a great option to inform your guests what table they are sitting at. Similarly to escort cards you would place this at the entrance of your reception and it is a very straight forward way for your guest to find where to go.

Seating charts can be listed by table or by name. If you choose to list by table you would list the names of your guests under the specific table number or you can list all names in alphabetic order and write the table numbers by their names.


If you want to choose a combination of two I would suggest place cards with a seating chart.

Combining the two gives you full control of where your guests sit and to leave no confusion at the tables if you needed to combine guests that may not know each other.

Another common use of combining the two would be to have place cards at your head table and the rest of your guests on a seating chart. Place cards can help instruct your bridal party where their specific seat is when they do the grand entrance and they won’t be stuck wandering around the table trying to figure out their seats as everyone comes in.

Think about your guests, venue space, the vibe your want for your reception.

What options do you think would be best for you?

For the month of March, 2020 anyone who books with me this month I want to offer you 15% off any place cards, escort cards, or seating charts for your wedding reception!

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