Why You Should Get Wedding Stationary For Your Wedding Day

Why You Should Get Wedding Stationary For Your Wedding Day

Should you have paper or go digital for your wedding?

Sure, going digital is becoming a little more common and will help with savings within your budget, but hear me out on why you should invest in paper goods for your wedding.


Your wedding is a once in a lifetime and invitations make for a beautiful keepsake!

When creating your wedding invitations make sure to take the time and put thought into them, put a little bit of your personality in them. You can add details like a family crest (don't have one already? Make one!), wedding map, a venue illustration, or even incorporate your wedding flowers on them. You can add so many details to your wedding stationary that can bring the whole day together!

Your wedding stationary will be something that you can keep and cherish forever. Unfortunately, the night will end, your guests will leave, the cake will be eaten, and you will have a few keepsakes that will remain from your wedding day and your invitations are one of them. Invitations are the very first impression your guests have for your wedding

You may think that you would be the only one to keep the invitations, but a lot of people keep invitations! Yeah, you definitely will have people that will toss them out once they no longer need them but you would probably be amazed at how many people want to keep them. Your grandparents, aunts and uncles, obviously your parents, and I honestly keep a lot of my friend’s wedding invitations I get (because I love them!…I love my friends not just the invites).

Your invitations are your guest’s first impression of your wedding!

What impression are you hoping to give for your wedding? Your invitations play an important role in that. You can give a very formal feel from your invitations or they can be fun and playful to go along with your personality. You’re a unique couple and you are setting the stage and expectations for your guests for your special day with your invitations.

Remembering back on when I was engaged and planning my wedding, I remember after I sent out my wedding invitations I got a ton of texts from friends and family that said how they loved our invitations and thought they were “very us”. We were still in the planning stages and guests were reaching out to tell me how excited they were before the big day, that’s a pretty good feeling.

Paper really does help your guests stay organized.

Believe it or not, sending invitations through mail instead of digital helps so many people stay organized. You don't have all tech savvy guests that will be able to get back to your digital wedding invite. Some people it is simpler to have the tangible item in front of them to remember.

If I am completely honest, I am one of those people that prefers to hold something in my hands. I always put the Save the Date, Invites, and details cards on my fridge. I won’t forget it if it is staring at me in the face everyday. I also can’t tell you how many times I have gotten lost going to a wedding and I always bring the invite with me to double/ triple check the address (because I’m great at incorrectly putting it into the GPS).

Overall, I think you should do you and what represents you the most. BUT I do think it is important to have wedding invitations you love and want. Create something that you will love and cherish till the end of time.

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